Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Making An Argument

The most controversial topics in society today are between groups of people who do not come to an understanding of what they are arguing about. Attacking the definition is one way to win an argument. For example, say you are pro-choice. You can argue that abortion should be legal because it is not a baby when it is in the womb. When a pro-life person argues that is a baby you can counter-argue that it is just a fetus and does not have a soul or whatever else. When there is an argument it is best to come to an understanding of the foundation of what you are arguing about.

I was thinking about this when I was watching Michael Moore on Oprah a while back. He was arguing for a national health care system. I am against such a system. My argument to him would just be a simple question. “Name one country in the world that has a national health care system that is run effectively.” I felt this would be a reasonable question. Then I realized he would say Canada or even Britain have great health care systems. I wouldn’t know how to respond to someone who would say that.

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