Friday, November 9, 2007

Criticize Iran, Not Fox News

I just searched YouTube for videos about Iran. I typed in “iran atrocities.” Almost all of the videos were titled “USA Terrorist Crimes.” I had to scroll to the bottom to find a video from Iran showing the atrocities of the Mullahs ruling Iran. You can find it here:

If you type in “Iran” you get the first two videos just being tourist photos. The third is called “Fox Attacks: Iran” which is a montage of clips from Fox News Channel talking about possible war with Iran. The following is listed under the short description:

Open Letter: Sign the open letter to the major television networks urging them to NOT follow FOX's lead to another war. The video shows the evidence of how they are repeating the same distortions and fear mongering they did before the Iraq war.
Instead of attacking Fox News for their coverage of Iran, maybe it would be better to take my advice in my article "How to Avoid War" which I posted yesterday.

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