Thursday, November 15, 2007

Crazy Ron Paul Supporters

Yesterday the American Thinker magazine posted an article about Ron Paul on their website.

The article is titled “The Ron Paul Campaign and its Neo-Nazi Supporters”. You can view it here:

I always knew he had a loyal fan base, but these people are just fanatical. Now he has received support from some vile characters. Some of Ron Paul’s more vile supporters include:

Pat Robertson: conservative who ran for President in 1992, 1996, and in 2000. He has a history of racist and anti-Semitic remarks.

Don Black: a neo-Nazi who founded He gave Ron Paul $500. Ron Paul’s campaign has not reported that they have given it back. Stormfront has a link at the bottom of their homepage to Ron Paul.

Will Williams (aka ‘White Will'): one of Paul’s top Tennessee Internet organizers. Used to be the southern coordinator of William Pierce’s National Alliance Party, the largest neo-Nazi party in the U.S.

David Duke: former KKK leader and Presidential candidate. His website repeatedly has posts to about Ron Paul and fundraising links.

Alex Jones: radio talk show host and leader in the 911 “truth” movement. Ron Paul has appeared on Alex Jones’s radio show five times.

This article was written after radio talk-show host Michael Medved posted this letter on

Dear Congressman Paul:

Your Presidential campaign has drawn the enthusiastic support of an imposing collection of Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, Holocaust Deniers, 9/11 "Truthers" and other paranoid and discredited conspiracists.

Do you welcome- or repudiate - the support of such factions?

More specifically, your columns have been featured for several years in the American Free Press -a publication of the nation's leading Holocaust Denier and anti-Semitic agitator, Willis Carto. His book club even recommends works that glorify the Nazi SS, and glowingly describe the "comforts and amenities" provided for inmates of Auschwitz.

Have your columns appeared in the American Free Press with your knowledge and approval?

As a Presidential candidate, will you now disassociate yourself, clearly and publicly, from the poisonous propaganda promoted in such publications?

As a guest on my syndicated radio show, you answered my questions directly and fearlessly.

Will you now answer these pressing questions, and eliminate all associations between your campaign and some of the most loathsome fringe groups in American society?

Along with my listeners (and many of your own supporters), I eagerly await your response.

Respectfully, Michael Medved

That post received over 500 comments from Paul supporters. They included:

  • "Your own Zionism is slipping, Medved! Why should anyone disassociate from 9/11 Truthers?"
  • "I suggest you take off the tin-foil yamika (sic), your brain is fried."
  • "You will do anything to smear this good man to try and safeguard US policy in Israel."
  • "Hey Medved. Tell your AIPAC handlers to be nervous. You are failing miserably."
  • "It's patently obvious why you don't support Dr. Paul: He's not hand-picked by AIPAC and the Likud Party."

Here’s an article by the American Thinker that shows how Ron Paul supporters reacted to the mentioned article.

Ron Paul needs to address these concerns, block these racist sites from linking to his, denounce these supporters, and comment on his more appalling quotes. If these concerns are not cleared up I think it would be justifiable if the Republican Party threw him out.

By the way, I would find it flattering if some of his more crazy supporters posted similar comments to this post.

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